Smoother Than A Fresh Jar of Skippy!
Seriously this is the BEST SONG EVER! Is is my new Driving Song, my Cooking Song, my House Cleaning Song, My Workout Song. It just ROCKS! Everything is better with "Uptown Funk." Its just a fact. The next time you are doing something you hate - cleaning toilets, paying taxes, picking up dog doo in the yard (who am I kidding - best thing about winter in Chicago - you can't find the dog doo in the back yard until Spring! It's my vacation time!) crank up Bruno singing the Uptown Funk - it is an instant mood lifter! Pro-Tip - If you have a small child or know someone with a small child (my next door neighbor in my case) and listen to them sing along. Hearing "Up-Town Funk you up" in a sweet cherub voice is the best thing ever (although I did hear from his father that people did not find it as endearing as I did in church last week!). Don't Believe Me? Just Watch! :)